Friday, June 27, 2008

martin scorsese: fat people ruined las vegas

so, dustin and i were watching casino the other night, and they include this shot at the end to illustrate the demise of the glamor of casinos:


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

something to blog about

on monday evening, dustin and i went to a place from which we try to stay far, far away, that place being st. mark's. i remember when i first journeyed down to st. marks as a first-year. i expected it to be cheap and dirty and sleazy, but of course it was none of those things. anyway, we were in the neighborhood because ben's final dinner on the town was being held at kenka, which is this really intense japanese place that doesn't serve sushi. it was, as ben later remarked, a rather masochistic dining experience.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

mermaid parade 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

instant recap

after the jump: my week, illustrated.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

somebody's cat

today, dustin recieved two picture messages from an unknown caller, both of them depicting this orange kitty.

the absolute hunk

on sunday, dustin and i were hurrying through union square to meet his family for dinner. we were late, as usual. as we were speed-walking past that coffee bar with the enormous neon sign, i caught sight of a familiar face. as soon as i saw him, i knew that it could be nobody but jason lewis, aka the absolute hunk from sex and the city. he was sitting in the outside eating area of the coffee bar, which surprised me because that place seems kind of busted. our eyes locked and i could tell that he knew i recognized him. sadly, he was not as handsome as he was on satc. but whatever, it was my first celebrity sighting since i started my new life in new york.