Sunday, October 19, 2008

don't you remember you told me you loved me baby

well, i'm still sick. i am drinking tea with honey and whiskey. i like old remedies better.

i'm feeling melancholy today because i miss all of my friends in faraway places, and i'm listening to summer songs and thinking of happy times in texas, new jersey, and california. the fall is glorious and school is better than it's ever been (academically speaking) but things are very lonely.

i am going to be dead karen carpenter for halloween.

right now i'm listening to tha carter III. it makes me feel like abusing many substances.

i've been thinking, living in a dorm really sucks. i wish i had opted to live in a house like all the other times i've lived on campus. in a house you can go into the common room and hang out with people. in dudley, there's the picnic table, the politics of which i do not care for. it sucks to hide beer in the salad crisper in the dudley lawrence fridge next to fred smoler's office.